Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Do You Take Time to Reflect?

2015 is coming to a close and as with every year I look back and see what I've accomplished over the year. 

Then, I look back even further. I look at who I was 5, even 10 years ago and reflect on the changes I've made in myself over that time. I reflect on how those changes impacted where I am in life right now and I look forward to the next, 5, 10 and 20 years. 

Who do I want to be then? 

Where do I want to be? 

How do I want to spend my time? 

And, with whom?

As I was reflecting on the last few years I came across this picture and just had to pinch myself. 

Being on the cover of a magazine, even a local magazine, was never on my bucket list. But, because of the path I had chosen this amazing opportunity came to me.

While this wasn't on my list of things I had set out to accomplish, the experience was awesome and I am grateful for the opportunity and the memories I have because of it.

You can check out the interview that went along with this cover photo here.

Something I learned through this experience is that people you don't even know are watching are.... what you are putting out there matters. What do you want them to learn about you? What do you want your legacy to be?

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