Friday, February 19, 2016

Some People Dream of Success...

The only way to reach a goal is to work for it. 
It will take sacrifice and perseverance, determination and discipline. 
At times it will be hard and frustrating. 
Everyone who had ever tried to achieve something big has felt like giving up... 
The difference between those that make it, is that they do it... Regardless of how it feels, regardless of the setbacks and frustrations. 
They do what it takes. 
They put one foot in front of the other. 
They never give up.
Be the person that never gives up. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

When I started my journey I was NOT in the best shape!! I was 50+ pounds over weight. I had a LONG journey ahead of me and even though I am in such a better place, physically and emotionally (and financially), I am still learning about fitness and nutrition and continuing to set and reach new goals. 

I am NOT a fitness professional or a nutritionist, but I am someone who has been through the ups and downs of a weightless journey. And I am still working to be better than I was yesterday, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!

If you need support as you travel this journey, message me or reach out on Facebook!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Never Miss a Monday...

Getting started is sometimes the biggest challenge. You need to just make yourself push play. 
You won't regret getting your workout done. But not getting it in will mess with your mind. 

Stay positive. Work hard. Focus on the goal. And... 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Does Muscle Weigh More Than Fat?

I see people posting a lot that muscle weighs more than fat!!
NO!! It does not!! 
We live on earth and everything has the same gravitational pull... a pound is a pound... 
BUT... muscle is more DENSE than fat and therefore it takes up LESS SPACE than fat... 

So when you are working out and you are lifting weights and you don't see the scale moving... DON'T get discouraged! 
You need to look at your measurements... because odds are, you are shrinking!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Cafe Mocha Shakeology Bites

Okay... I've been going on and on and on about these Shakeology balls (which some people like to call bites) to my friends.... But here's the skinny. These are the best ones ever.... Here's how you make them: 

1/2 cup chocolate vegan Shakeology
1/2 cup cafe latte  Shakeokogy
1 cup almond butter
1 cup old fashioned oats
6 Tbsp raw honey
A little water to ease mixing... But just a little.

I ended up with 21 using my "large melon baller scoop thingy"... If course I had to eat the one that made my number odd for a taster and it was sooooo good!!

If you are following the portion fix container system 2 bites counts as 1💛 and 1💙

Let me know what you think!!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Fit Mom Opportunity!!

I am looking for 10 mom's/women who are sick and tired of their current jobs/life situations and KNOW they are destined for more.

Individuals who live healthy lives or are working toward living one. Moms who want to be able to contribute to their families while having the flexibility to work from home and be present in their children and spouses lives.

7 years ago I was living on borrowed money. I had $20,000 in credit card debt, plus another $20,000 in student loans, I was working on my elementary teaching certification and NOT in the best shape. The kicker is I complained about this daily but had no plan on fixing it. I didn't like complaining, but I didn't know what to do about it...

UNTIL one day I decided I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was tired of figuring out which bills to pay on which day so that my account wouldn't overdraw. I was tired of feeling the heaviness of DEBT. I was tired of not tucking my kiddos into bed at night, I was tired of looking in the mirror and hating the person that stared back at me. I decided to make a decision that would dramatically change my life forever.

I started this part time "online coaching" thing that I would do from my phone and a laptop - I would start working after kids were asleep and before they would wake up in the morning. At first I wasn't sure how this was all going to pan out (Actually considered quitting a months into it) BUT I KNEW that I was super passionate about it, it was fun, I was able to do it part time so it wouldn't take more time away from my family, and if I truly wanted something different I needed to do something different. I will NEVER have to worry about finances again. I don't worry about debt or how to do things.

You have complete control over how and when you do this business -- late at night? During lunch break? From your cell phone if you want - YOU create your own schedule - YOU set your own goals!

I'm now accepting 10 new interns where I'll teach you my step by step SIMPLE system on how I grew my online business and how my awesome team is growing theirs.

*NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY**This opportunity is only for non-coaches and those not already working with a coach!

If you'd like to join my "Internship" and see if this is a great fit for YOU, then comment below "interested" or message me or email me at