Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Time for the 3rd Annual Eat Clean Diet Makeover Challenge!!

It is time for the Eat Clean Diet® Makeover Challenge!  This is an AWESOME opportunity for you if you have used the Eat Clean Diet® to lose weight and increase your health!  I have been trying to incorporate The Eat Clean Diet® principles into my own personal nutrition plan more and more. In fact, one of my favorite recipe books is The Best of Clean Eating® from the Editors of Clean Eating Magazine®, which is of course published by Robert Kennedy, Tosca Reno's husband!  And most everyone interested in nutrition and fitness know who that dynamic duo is.  My understanding of the contest rules is that submissions run from June 29, 2011 through July 28, 2011.  So here's the good news... YOU still have time to significantly improve your level of fitness and your waistline between now and then.  If you are interested in using this contest as a catalyst to set some REAL goals for yourself, read the instructions for the 3rd Annual Eat Clean Diet® Makeover Challenge to find out what measurements you should be tracking and photos you need to take.  If you don't have a current workout program that will get you the results you are looking for in that amount of time, (a full 3 months from today would still leave a week before the submissions deadline) let me know.  There are several Beachbody™ programs I would recommend, and if followed correctly, will give you the transformation you are looking for in just 90 days or less.  In fact, I am sure you have heard of P90X® and possibly Insanity® or TurboFire®, but there are even more, not to mention the super-food protein meal replacement, Shakeology®.  Of course you would have me as your own personal fitness consultant to help you along the way.  So what is stopping you?  Write down your goals, email them to me for some accountability and lets get you on the way to a healthier, happier, more FIT life!

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