Thursday, January 9, 2014

3 Steps to Achieving Your Goals in 2014

Almost everyone that I have talked to since the first of January has made some type of resolution or set a specific goal. Many of them have multiple. I am not exception. I take goal setting very seriously. But setting a goal isn't the end of the process. Setting the goal is only the beginning.

There is a quote floating around the internet that says something like "A goal is only a dream if you don't put action behind it"... In other words. If you are not willing to figure out the processes you need to have in place to reach the goal, all you have is an empty dream.

Setting a goal is important, you won't achieve anything if you don't know where you are heading. But in order to make progress towards that goal you have to start by brainstorming all of the little steps you need to complete before reaching success. If you commit to doing 2-3 small things each day that will help propel you forward you can not help but to reach your goal. 2-3 things may not sound like a lot... but they add up over time. Remember, Rome was not built in a single day.

3 Steps that will help you achieve your goals
1. Focus your attention on your goal -- Figure out what you want to achieve and write it down.
2. Brainstorm the steps you need to achieve your goal -- Break your goal down into small daily tasks.
3. Commit to consistency -- Complete 2-3 small actions each and every day.

I look forward to hearing about the goals you have set for this year. Please share your goals in the comments section along with your plan to reach them.

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