Tuesday, December 22, 2015

10 Health Benefits of Sleep

We all know that sleeping can make us feel better and more productive, but we also feel like it can be traded away in order to achieve our goals. What we intend to be a short term trade off can turn into long term habits.

Here are 10 reasons why you should make sleep nonnegotiable and create a sanctuary for sleep in your bedroom! 

1. Better Health - lack of sufficient shut eye as been directly linked to heart disease, heart attacks, diabetes and obesity.
2. Better Sex - impaired sleep can be associated to lower levels of testosterone in men.
3. Less Pain - getting enough sleep can make you hurt less.
4. Lower Risk of Injury - when you are over tired you tend to have more accidents such as tripping or falling and 1 out of 5 car accidents are a result of driving drowsy.
5. Better Mood - when you are overtired you are less able to regulate your emotions.
6. Better Weight Control - if you are over tired you are less likely to exercise. The hormone leptin (which controls feeling full) is decreased causing over eating.
7. Clearer Thinking - being well rested increases your ability to pay attention and think logically.
8. Better Memory - during sleep your brain process and consolidates memories from the day. Not getting enough sleep can affect how your memories are processed.
9. Stronger Immunity - people who get 7 hours of sleep per night or less are 3 times more likely to get sick than those who sleep at least 8 hours a night.
10. Decreased Inflammation - people who get less sleep have higher levels of inflammatory proteins.

It's time to make sleep a priority. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night is ideal. Who's ready to make a few changes in their bedtime habits?

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