Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What's the Best Time to Exercise?

1. When you WILL work out.

Don't allow yourself the excuse of missing it in the morning so its not worth doing. Exercising is better than NOT exercising unless you are sick or recovering from an injury. Schedule your workouts when you have the best chance of getting it done. For me, its early in the morning... before the roosters wake up. But for some its late at night. Do what works for YOU! 

2. When you FEEL the best.

There are times during the day where you feel your best and have the most energy to tackle chores around the house or run errands. That would be a good time to schedule your workouts because that is when you have an abundance of energy. If you schedule allows you to fit your workouts in any time during the day, pay attention to your patterns and see when you have those energy bursts. And then schedule your workouts within that window.  

3. In the morning on an empty stomach.

In the morning, before you've eaten, your body is forced to utilize its fat stores for energy. I typically workout first thing, before I eat. But, I do take E & E which is Team Beachbody's all natural pre-workout supplement to help give me the boost I need to be as effective in my workout as possible. 

 4. At night before bed.

I only recommend this time of day if its the only time that works for you. Working out right before bed can affect your sleep. Most people have a hard time getting to sleep after a workout.
The thing I want you to understand is that everyone responds differently. If you struggle with morning workouts don't do them just because someone told you that you should. Play around and figure out what time of day you are able to put in your best effort. Once you figure it out, schedule that time daily and commit to it.  

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